Head Circumference Measurements

Head Circumference Measurements

For many of our patients, we routinely measure their heads to ensure normal growth and follow conditions such as hydrocephalus or macrocephaly. As we are unable to do this measurement through video conferencing, we may be depending on you to provide this important information for your child. In the following video, you can see the proper technique for measuring head circumference.

You can use any flexible tape measure that does not stretch, such as ones used for sewing.

Alternatively, if you are unable to source a flexible tape measure, you can use a string such as polypropylene twine (please make sure it doesn’t stretch first) and measure the length of it after marking the length around the greatest circumference of the head. Please note that this method is much less accurate and should be used as a last resort.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns about this process.


